Monday, February 27, 2006
I tell you what this week has been so revealing for me. I've been changing a bunch of things in my life. It hit me that i'm not a kid anymore and i need to focus on some different things. Just to name a few, spending more in relationships with my family and friends. Second, focusing on future finacial planing for a house/wedding. Third, to be totally honest thinking more on settling down. I know what i want in a lady so i will look for those things in a person. No more games. Forth, focusing on God and what he is wanting to do in me. Those are just a few changes that i've been making this week. I really don't know what brought all this change, I just started thinking and examining my life. I guess i just didn't like where my life was headed. At least not that particular direction. I will write more later because im tired at the moment. There is some news that I will let everyone know about here in a few weeks but i don't have all the details. It's very big news. But hang tight.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
It's been a while
Man it's been a while since i've posted. I've been busy and I have tons to talk about. Ok, before i get into anything, remember my post about drivers in springfield? Well last week we were driving down national when it was snowing and this guys just flies by us like we were standing still. I turned to my friend daniel and told him "That's what i'm talking about man, snow on the ground and they speed but on a sunny day they go under the speed limit." Low and behold as we pulled up to chestnut expressway that guy that was speeding and driving like a moron got rear ended by another car because he cut them off and hit his breaks because the light turned red and the guy that got cut off hit him in the back. Thank God no one was hurt, but it sure backed up my point.
Wow this weekend was crazy! Friday after work I called up some of my peeps and wanted to see if they had any plans. Joe recommened a guys night out which I was totally for because i think we need one. So I called up some guys and we planned to meet later on friday night. Well when people started arriving, the ladies arrived Hummm... guys night out? *scretching my head* Althought i did think that we were going to get ditched by some of the guys because ladies and sleep. So i did invite mel who we ran into at blockbuster with travis. Anywho we tried to watch 12 monkeys but the movie was soooo scretched up that we couldn't get past chapter The funny thing was we came to a screen which got us busting up after a zillion tries to get it working. We even tried to seduce the So the dvd froze on this screen, no joke. lol.

The play was quite funny. I really enjoyed it. After the play we went to eat at place downtown, don't remember the name. Joe something. It's a sub place. Very delicous. After that I headed to my nephews place. I was taking him and his sister out because i haven't seen them in a while. So we went out to Starbucks to get some vanilla bean creme with 2 shots of espresso for me and one shot for them. Good stuff if you haven't tried it. After some good laughs and catching up we headed to watch a movie at the Springfield 8. Firewall was great. We all enjoyed it. When we were driving home from the theater we were already making plans to go to branson for some putt putt, ice cream and some shopping. They are so much fun. I had a blast hanging out with them. Dropped them off and hung out with my other little niece victoria. She's such a giggle box.

*sigh* so here I am after a busy weekend thus far...wore out...with sunday to go.
Monday, February 20, 2006

Chad and Jona, *whispers*I think their next...hehe
Hello kiddies! I must say congradulations to Elisha and Joe on their engagement. Wedding is coming up in a few months and that's exciting! Here are some pictures of some of the people that were there. I had a great time talking to friends and enjoying the food. On the way home daniel and I were talking and daniel said "man, it's weird, joe getting married?" Then I responded "awww, our little joe all grown up..." Daniel "You know what will be more weird?" Me "what's that?" Daniel "You getting married!" LOL.. He cracks me up. In due time daniel son, in due time. God knows what he's doing. He's got my back.
Today, work was pretty simple. We did some fixes that our framers forgot to do or missed, presure tested the water and gas lines, moved plumbing pipe to the next house, talked to our excavating guy about the water retensing plan, ate lunch and came home around 2:30pm. The reason we got done so early is because our supplier is out of our siding vents so we couldn't do the siding on the house today. Gosh i really don't like waiting on material, especially material that they knew we needed a month in advance. That's just annoying.
We also have a match tonight that we didn't practice yet. Should be intresting on how the match turns out.
I am also going to start putting my brothers floor plan in the computer so they can see they're house in 3-D and see what changes they need to make on the plan. He know of one that their doing but when you actually see it in 3-D it helps. I think that's about it for now.
*UPDATE on Match*
The match tonight was one of the most exciting matches we've played yet! On our first have we started out as ct's and we went 9 (us) - 6 (them) and on T side they held us off after we went 6 in a row to finish 6(us) - 9(them) for a tie. In overtime you only play 3 rounds each side and start off with 10,000 money to buy guns. We won the first two rounds and they won the last round to make it 2(us) - 1(them) and on T side we won our first round then our second round I pulled off a 3 vs 1 and killed the last guys with my pistol right as the round clock was turning 0:00 which won us the match. If i would have taken another split second, that round would have gone to them and we would have gone into another OT session. Tside score was 2(us) - 1(them). Final score was 19(us) - 17(them). Close match and probably some of the nicest guys we've played yet. I must say i'm proud of our guys, not because we won but because we communicated well and actually played like a team. These guys would have beaten us bad if we would have played sloppy. Oh and before we played in our match we played against a team that was undefeated in cal-main, which is where the real good teams play, and took them to school. God I love it when we play like I know we can play. :)
Saturday, February 18, 2006
More ribs please!
Ok, ok, we out to eat last night at this new place in town. Maybe not new to some but it's new here. It's called texas steak house. I must say i was impressed with they're ribs. I've been to many rib places and the ribs are not good at all. Either too chewy, hard, doesn't taste good, hardly any meat, so and so forth. This place, wow, just like the way i cook them. Falling off the bone goodness. I'm going there again. I told my mom and dad i'll be taking them out there to eat some time. I just can't let them see the menu....hehe.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Mr. Clean Mr. Clean!

Sup sup peoples! Tonight I got to see a friend of mind do some standup at the skinny improve. She was fantastic! Her name is Kerri Pomarolli and she's just hilarious! I'm her "myspace boyfriend" lol! Anywho I was very excited to see her do her standup. It was clean, energetic, interactive and just very fun! I'll be posting a bit from her standup here in a few days. I'm way too tired to do all that now. I've been up too long, worked too hard and i just need more rest...sigh. Although Kerri has me beat. She got up at 5am today and it was about 11:45pm when i left the improv. She needs some good rest. Anywho another cool thing was that ran into Amy! She's so cool. Love that girl. I wish we could hang out more :( We had a good laugh and alot of the stuff kerri talks about alot of people can relate too. Amy and I kept just laughing and saying "yup! so true." lol. it's late again...gesh.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Pow! right in the kisser!

Monday, February 13, 2006
I swear, drivers here in springfield are SO dumb!!! Let's just be thankful i don't have a gun in my car. I'm sorry but when im driving, my christianity takes a back seat because I would go insane otherwise. You don't have to stop on the loops! YOU DON'T! EVER! I've drivin for 8 years and I have NEVER stop on the loops to get on or off the highway. People don't know how to drive here! Also green light means GO people! I couldn't believe it how many people just wait there and stare at the light like they haven't seen green before. Drives me crazy! Yes, i honk! The long on-ramps are NOT for going with the speed limit of the street you just turn off of all the way down. You have to step on the gas and reach at least 60mph so you can merge. "Merge? What's that? I don't think we learned that at school..dur, dur, dur" AAAAH!!! I love to drive but driving with sprinfieldians is like putting a blond in a circle room and telling her to pee in the corner. I also can't believe the way people drive here with the weather. On a sunny day they go under the speed limit and when it's pouring outside or we have snow they drive 50mph on glenstone! I wish we had to go to driving school like they have in germany. Where the person has to take, compulsory practical, theoretical courses, pay fees, buy books, and tests to sit. When your done with your driving school you pay between $2,380-$3,570 but you will know what to do in any situation. We need those kind of schools manditory here in springfield at least. It would make it a much safer driving experience. I won't even get into the medians.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
So so cool!

I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw snow falling. WOW! so awesome! i've been waiting for snow since christmas and finally just a taste of it. I love snow. I love all the things that come with snow. I love snow ball fights, love sleding, love building a snow man, love drinking a nice cup of hot chocolate or coffee of some sort, I love to get around the fire, and i love sitting down and watching a movie with a blanket (well i love doing that anytime) and I like to run out and turn my car on and run back in to eat breakfast in the morning so by the time im done the car is nice and warm. I really don't mind cleaning off my windshield or driving in it. Wow... I sound very much like a girl. Humm...strange.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Numa numa
Here is a good quality version of the O-ZONE: dragostea din tei (numa numa) song. It's the actually music video. Check it out. The whole song is actually better, i think, the just that small clip we've all seen.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Blah... i woke up today not wanting to get up. I just felt weak and have no energy. As the day went on it just got worse. SO, here i am with a huge headache, runny nose, a small cough, burning up and then freeze the next minute. I'm usually a human furnace but today i had to get two blankets to even keep me comfortable. Yeah, that's not natural(but oak express is!) lol...i couldn't resist. Anywho keep me in your prayers because tomorrow isn't going to be fun if i don't feel better. I'm still going to get up and go to a breakfast i have with my close guy friends every thursday morning at 7:30am. After that we all head off to work or home. I must say that's one of my favorite times of the week. Nothing like getting together with your close guy friends and sharing personal stuff, planing trips or talking about God. Well, im going to go to bed. I think im going to skip my work out to get some extra rest. Pray for me guys.
There is a God...
I was amazed tonight! When I was playing CS:S in a server with aphex (danny) we were owning it up. We were call everything under the sun, hacking, walling, ghosting and the list goes on. Well we played a bit longer and a guy joined and started to play with us. Then he asked if we had a server. We replied with a sad no. He then asked us if we needed one. Well to make along story shorter, we have a free 16 man server! FREE! With full admin and such. That totally rocked my face off. Riatz, OG, and whoever else, here is the IP: Hope on and get this server going!
Monday, February 06, 2006
2-1 and/or 4-1
Yup another victory for us so that makes us 2-1 or 4-1 if you count pre-season also. I must say it was done and played well by our guys. I didn't play in the match, suspended until this coming wednesday, but next week i can't wait to play! We did change some things around on how we will be doing things. For one, we practiced, which is why i think we won, we scrimed, and we executed. We have also placed a practice day also, which is thursday evening at 8pm. I think we will continue to get better as a team but only if we keep this up. The match score for tonight was 21 (us) - 9 (them).
Sunday, February 05, 2006
And the winner is?

Friday, February 03, 2006
ThE GiRl ThAt KiCkEd BuTt
Well my day was kind of everywhere. Went shopping with my mom and daniel, she bought us lunch which was cool and its unusual for my mom to come out to eat with us. Marinated some chicken wings for sunday, watched some stand up comedy, worked on a dishwasher plug and a jacuzzi tub, went to daniels house and talked to his dad and ate dinner with them, went to rent a couple of movies and ran into a girl told me I was cute awhile back :) , went back because i grabed the wrong movie, well wrong format, then was call a wide screen snob by her...hehe. So i told her i couldn't be switching all sorts of formats and pushing who knows HOW many buttons...hehe. (some people will catch the humor in that line.) Then went home and watched red eye. Good times.
If you haven't seen "Red Eye" don't read this but if you are not going to watch it or don't care if you know what happens read on.
Holy COW! I watched Red Eye tonight and man, i love that girl in that movie. I was sooo happy that it wasn't one of those "oh no, im so scared i can't do anything so i'll let this guy use and abuse me because im a whinie girl and can't defend myself" type of movies. Gosh watching her kick butt was fantastic. When i was watching that movie i was think, "that is the kind of wife i want!" I'm serious. I don't want to "baby sit" my wife/girlfriend. I want her to be able to be independent, strong in what she believes in, not a push over with others, and fight or go down fighting if she has to. I enjoyed the movie and i do recommend it also.
If you haven't seen "Red Eye" don't read this but if you are not going to watch it or don't care if you know what happens read on.
Holy COW! I watched Red Eye tonight and man, i love that girl in that movie. I was sooo happy that it wasn't one of those "oh no, im so scared i can't do anything so i'll let this guy use and abuse me because im a whinie girl and can't defend myself" type of movies. Gosh watching her kick butt was fantastic. When i was watching that movie i was think, "that is the kind of wife i want!" I'm serious. I don't want to "baby sit" my wife/girlfriend. I want her to be able to be independent, strong in what she believes in, not a push over with others, and fight or go down fighting if she has to. I enjoyed the movie and i do recommend it also.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I'm kinda drained on what to write at the moment. So...yeah...
Ok, so i go to sushi tonight with Katherine, Jerry, Kim, Melody, and Jona, and i order this dessert. Man, i was excited because I never had creme brule' before. I must say it was good but man, i didn't think it would be a bitter sweet moment when it came to my wallet. Gesh... i was thinking, "I can go to wal-mart and pickup a really great frozen pie for that much. A WHOLE PIE!" hehe... anywho, i did go to wal-mart because i was out of deoderant. Go to the check out and there is a long line like always at wally world. The cool part was is that the cashier lady was checking me out. NO litterally checking me out with her eyes and then asked me for the time. The thing that i found funny was that she had a clock right infront of her. I was "wow, im being hit on. Sweeeeet!" Man it totally made my night.
Ok, so i go to sushi tonight with Katherine, Jerry, Kim, Melody, and Jona, and i order this dessert. Man, i was excited because I never had creme brule' before. I must say it was good but man, i didn't think it would be a bitter sweet moment when it came to my wallet. Gesh... i was thinking, "I can go to wal-mart and pickup a really great frozen pie for that much. A WHOLE PIE!" hehe... anywho, i did go to wal-mart because i was out of deoderant. Go to the check out and there is a long line like always at wally world. The cool part was is that the cashier lady was checking me out. NO litterally checking me out with her eyes and then asked me for the time. The thing that i found funny was that she had a clock right infront of her. I was "wow, im being hit on. Sweeeeet!" Man it totally made my night.